CPR & First Aid

Hands performing chest compressions on CPR dummyMRTSA is an American Heart Association Training Center with a staff of 52 instructors. We teach hundreds of classes per year and have certified thousands of students. We are available to meet your individual needs through monthly courses at our main headquarters on Cypress Way in Mt. Lebanon or on site locations.

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is the most important thing a bystander can do in the instance of cardiac arrest.

Get Certified in CPR

While we encourage everyone of any age to attend CPR training, you can do CPR even if not certified. If someone isn’t breathing, call 911 and push hard and fast in the center of the chest.

  • Every minute CPR isn’t performed the chance of survival decreases 10%
  • Bystander CPR can double or triple chance of survival
  • 475,000 Americans die every year from cardiac arrest
  • 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside the hospital every year
    • 70% occur in homes and residences
    • 18.8% occur in public settings

*Learn more about CPR statistics


Q: If I do CPR without being certified can I get in trouble?

A: Pennsylvania Good Samaritan Law protects civilians who in good faith, attempt to render emergency care.

Q: Do I have to mouth to mouth?

A: The AHA no longer recommends mouth to mouth. Instead focus on chest compression.

Q: I’m afraid I may hurt the patient?

A: It is normal for chest compressions to result in some broken ribs, this should not discourage you from rendering aide. Broken bones are easier to fix then a heart.